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20 Credits
1 Team Member
Established Businesses
100 Credits
1 Team Member
For Businesses With a Sales Team
300 Credits
Up to 5 Team Members
For Larger Businesses
1000 Credits
Up to 20 Team Members
Credits are used for actions such as searching for and retrieving verified contact information of potential prospects. The number of credits required for different tasks can vary depending on the specific tool or feature you are using.
Additional credits costs $0.18
The credits have different consumption rules according to the type of search you are running.
Credits are only used when company results are found that have email addresses attached. For example, if you search for Realtors in a location and pull in 100 results, but only 80 of those companies have listed their email, then you will only use 80 credits. As a bonus, some of those companies may have many more than a single email result, yet you will still only be charged a single credit for each company, regardless of how many individual results are found.
Usage: 3 credits per search result added to a list. No credits are charged for results that do not contain at least an email address or phone number.
Details: This search targets individuals based on description and location [optional]. Advanced filters are also available to help you better describe who you want.
Uses credits the fastest of the three. As you search a single website or company name at a time, your credits will reduce with every email that is retrieved connected to that company's URL.
No, the monthly allocation of credits must be used in the same month as issued
It is a simple 30 day rolling contract. Cancel anytime.
Yes, it will integrate with your CRM - either directly as is the case with MarketerM8/ HighLevel or via Zapier. And you can also export data via CSV files
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Julian Mills Consulting Limited
27 Old Gloucester Street, London, United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX